Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My current positions

I've been hit with a bunch of questions lately about where I stand. Since nobody but me is reading this blog as of now, I thought I'd just itemize for my own basic reference.

1. War in Iraq: Effective Transition. Set a date and get the hell out.
2. Smart Government: Fiscal responsibility. We can't keep piling debt without killing ourselves and our children.
3. Abortion: Must remain legal. Must reduce it with education and counseling, etc. Abstinence only is a big lie.
4. Evolution v. Creation: Intelligent Design is a big lie to get Creationism taught in schools.
5. No Child Left Behind and School Vouchers: Plans to kill public education and keep the poor stupid and easy to keep down.
6. Immigration: Deport illegals, but expand the process of legal immigration. Extend the time and get more legal immigrants. Immigration is good for America.
7. Taxes: All this "no tax" stuff is a big lie. You have to invest in the future, and that has to be handled progressively.
8. Healthcare and Social Security should be universalized. If you can work, you should be able to live without fear of sickness or age. If you can't work, the strong need to protect the weak.
9. Corporate Socialism has to end. All the big pork we funnel towards our big companies need to be taken away and guided towards small businesses and small farms.
10. Government needs reforming. I'd like to see public financing of elections eventtually. Until then, we need complete lobbying reformation and verified elections.
11. The first priority for the nation needs to be energy independence.
12. "free" trade isn't free, the way we manage our deals now it's a big kickback to multinationals and incentive to eliminate the us manufacturing base. We need a system of lifelong learning to recareer workers, and we need to build worker, environmental and consumber protections into our trade deals.
13. Guns: 2nd ammendment is ok with me.
14. We need to get the fairness principle back into media, and we need to start busting some trusts, especially in broadcasting and farming.
15. Terrorism: After we transition out of Iraq, actually go after al-qaeda, and all violent extremists, including those from the judeo-christian tradition, like abortion clinic bombers. Enforce a peace between israel and palestine that is fair and engenders economic development.

It think that's about it for now. If I think of anythign else, I'll post it later or edit this.


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