The Vision War Makes Culture Wars Obsolete
We've been caught up in the big right-wing lie for too long and now is the time to break out.
The culture wars refer to the endless series of wedge issues that the radical right uses to divide and conqure America. Culture war issues include: abortion, gay marriage, and immigration among others.
As long as we continue fighting a culture war with the right we will lose. What need is to rise up above the trees to see the forrest. We need to get out of petty discussions of laws and policies like gay rights and abortion, and talk about the true Vision for America.
From Vision will follow Values,
From Values will follow Issues,
From Issues will follow Policies.
The far right has identified it's vision and is 30 years down the line in executing it.
That vision? Call it "compassionate conservatism. Call it "the new world order". Call it "The religion of 'free' trade. Whichever you choose it is this:
A State of Corporate Socialism that promotes an Aristocracy of American Hegemony Worldwide. This is a vision based on social-darwinism, opposed to science, personal privacy, and individual liberty. With the appointment of John Roberts to the American Supreme Court, it will be the dominant paradigm of the world.
We must wage a relentless war of peaceful resistance, public debate, and Passionate Progressivism against this vision and all that it entails. We must promote an alternative vision for America and the World:
A Democratic world of Fair Market capitalism, that puts smart government in service to the people of the world; where science is used to support the wellbeing of all; where American leadership is the root of our independence and might; where all Americans regardless of wealth invest in the future; and where government's primary responsibility is to protect and develop strong communities, healthy families and the individual pursuit of material, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual freedom."
Don't fight within the frame of "the culture war" anymore.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the war to end all wars. I give you, The Vision War.
{Inspired by about a dozen articles including, this, this, this, this, this, this and most recently, this.}
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