The Progressive Agenda Begins to Gel
On this sunday's edition of Meet the Press [transcript] DCCC Chair, Rep. Ram Emmanuel, debated his Republican counterpart. Not only did he mercilessly destroy NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds in the debate (which was such a joyous pleasure to watch), but he also laid out the two reasons why Democrats will retake the House in '06.
1. The Republican Culture of Corruption has left the nation in a disastrous state. The "Contract with America" is defunct and every item in that contract has been breached:
And I find it ironic that here we are on the 11th year anniversary, this week that just passed, of a Contract With America, where the Republicans said, "We're going to clean up Washington and clean up the mess and bring fiscal responsibility to Washington." The House majority leader, indicted. Senate majority leader, under question. Other members of Congress like Congressman "Duke" Cunningham, a Republican from San Diego, is not going to seek re-election because of a company that does business in front of a committee. He sold his house at inflated prices.
There is a culture of cronyism. And what's interesting under one of those admonitions--and I also need to back up a little, on that Contract With America, when you look at it--and this week is one way of--this anniversary--they would be sued for breach of contract for what's happened. But here is...
2. Rep Emanuel laid out a 5 point reform agenda that should stir the soul of every American:
Let me address, though, the future of this country. I'll give you five quick ideas..
- One, we make college education as universal for the 21st century that a high school education was in the 20th
MR. RUSSERT: And who pays for that?
REP. EMANUEL: The American people, because it offers--Let me get to it.
- Second, we get a summit on the budget to deal with the $3 trillion of debt that's been added up in five years and structural deficits of $400 billion a year.
- Third, an energy policy that says in 10 years, we cut our dependence on foreign oil in half and make this a hybrid economy.
- Four, we create an institute on science and technology that builds for America like, the National Institutes has done for health care, we maintain our edge.
- And five, we have a universal health-care system over the next 10 years where if you work, you have health care.
That says fiscal discipline and investing in the American people by reputting people first. The policies that the Republicans have offered have gotten us in the ditch we have today.
MR. RUSSERT: In order to pay for those programs, you'd consider raising taxes?
REP. EMANUEL: I think in this time and age, when we face the challenges we have, everybody has skin in the game. And I think the tax policies we have in place reward the type of culture of cronyism where, in fact, what we're doing is protecting the most well off while we throw middle-class families in front of the train.
What I find most powerful about this is that it's a one-two punch that really says that Progressive Democrats stand for both Integrity and will fight for the Middle Class. Republicans stand for Corruption and will fight only for the rich. Republicans will leave the rest of us to fend for ourselves.
After all these years of wishing for more from my Democratic leadership, finally there are glimmers. Democrats '06: Reform and Integrity for Middle Class America!
And I'll let Rep Emanuel have the last word:
Tom, you--over the last five years, we've added $3 trillion to the nation's debt, health-care costs have gone up for middle-class families, uninsured have gone up and poverty's gone up. That's the failed policies of your party. Now, I've offered an agenda and I asked you--I started with political reform. Join Democrats in literally changing the culture of corruption that exists here, that affects all the institutions of the people's House. You know what's happened? When you look at the energy bill, you look at the prescription drug bill, the Congress has gone from the people's House to the auction house...
woot! Can I get an Amen!
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