Friday, October 21, 2005

30 second movie remakes with bunnies

Too fun for words.


At 6/11/2008 02:51:00 AM, Blogger Howling Latina said...

Whew! Well at least you're a real person:)

At 6/11/2008 11:18:00 AM, Blogger Josh Chernila said...

Yeah Mimi,

It's me, Josh C. We spent a lot of time on the Webb campaign.

I understand why you're doing this, but I'd love the chance to talk to you about it.

There's too much at stake that I know you care about. I grew up loving the Clintons and I'll never forgive John McCain for his "Chelsea's dad is Janet Reno" joke. Think about this - in the next 8 years, 6 of 9 Justices on the Supreme court will be over 75 years old. On issues from choice, to constitutionality, to fairness, to voting rights, to private property, to privacy there's no limit to the damage that a McCain court will do.

Even if you can't bring yourself to strongly work FOR Obama at this stage... there's too much at stake to continue working against him.


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