Howard, Howard, Howard...
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean:
I think if we had a three-word message right now it’d be, ‘We can do better.’
"...on issue after issue, there is a common sense center in America that knows what it believes and can't understand why this Republican Congress won't get the job done." Senator Harry Ried (D-NV)
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean:
I think if we had a three-word message right now it’d be, ‘We can do better.’
Science makes sense when you actually pay attention to it.
The Bush Plan:
This is the kind of backwards idiocy that makes me ashamed of my government.
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - The U.S. government’s emphasis on abstinence-only programs to prevent AIDS is hobbling Africa’s battle against the pandemic by downplaying the role of condoms, a senior U.N. official said on Monday.
Stephen Lewis, the U.N. secretary general’s special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, said fundamentalist Christian ideology was driving Washington’s AIDS assistance program known as PEPFAR with disastrous results, including condom shortages in Uganda.
I've been hit with a bunch of questions lately about where I stand. Since nobody but me is reading this blog as of now, I thought I'd just itemize for my own basic reference.
This article just makes me want to scream:
Dr. Miller's data reveal some yawning gaps in basic knowledge. American adults in general do not understand what molecules are (other than that they are really small). Fewer than a third can identify DNA as a key to heredity. Only about 10 percent know what radiation is. One adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the Earth, an idea science had abandoned by the 17th century.
I never started out with anything against GWB.
All I can say is: Wow!
While President George W. Bush travels around the country in a last-ditch effort to sell his Iraq war, White House aides scramble frantically behind the scenes to hide the dark mood of an increasingly angry leader who unleashes obscenity-filled outbursts at anyone who dares disagree with him.
“I’m not meeting again with that goddamned bitch,” Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet again with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. “She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!”
Bush flashes the bird, something aides say he does often and has been doing since his days as governor of Texas. Bush, administration aides confide, frequently explodes into tirades over those who protest the war, calling them “motherfucking traitors.” He reportedly was so upset over Veterans of Foreign Wars members who wore “bullshit protectors” over their ears during his speech to their annual convention that he told aides to “tell those VFW assholes that I’ll never speak to them again is they can’t keep their members under control.”
I haven't been posting for a while. I've been doing too much over at dailykos and raisingkaine, and haven't done anything here.
Two years before 9/11, candidate Bush was already talking privately about attacking Iraq, according to his former ghost writer
When I was 10 years old, my greatest hero wasn't Superman or Spiderman or the Lone Ranger. When I was 10 years old, my greatest hero was my best friend, Jasper, who was far and away better than every other hero combined.
Jasper was smart, and fast, and funny. He could play basketball like one of the big kids. He could jump his BMX bike over anything in the neighborhood. He always beat me on our after-lunch math tests. He was like a great shining institution in our neighborhood. Small but respected by everyone, he was the ultimate arbiter of playground disagreements, not to mention the best video game player in history.
It's been more than 20 years since those great and wonderful days. I live thousands of miles away, and where I became a professional person, Jasper became a workman. He's spent the last decade up in trees, climing, cutting, trimming, hauling. It's good work and the pay is good, but he never had benefits.
He never really worried about not having benefits until last week, when a tree fell and nearly crushed him to death.
The tree crushed his ribs, fractured his scull, and injured his spine. After 7 hours of surgery, he is stable, but his life will never be the same.
Not only will he never fully recover physically, but it looks, at this point, like he will never recover financially either. Colorado's medicaid program helped a great deal, but as a blue collar guy, his income was never that high. He was already only just barely making ends meet. Now he'll likely be disabled and unable to work the colorado treetops ever again.
I bring this up, because we often hear about 48 Million uninsured Americans, and it doesn't really connect. It's like there's some other America. It's like there's some other nation of people who work, and raise families, and live, and struggle and die here. It's like it's not our brothers and sisters and friends and fathers and mothers and heroes who's lives are ruined by the way things are.
Conservatives believe this is fine. They believe that it's not just ok for us to suffer and die, but they truly believe that it's ok for us not to care.
Abraham Lincoln said that government should do for people what they can't do for themselves. I would that I could take care of all those who suffer in the world, since I can't, I count on government to do it for me.
Conservatives don't want us to see the connection between soaring pharmaceutical and medical prices, soaring HMO profits, and soaring levels of poverty. If we see the economic truth of our situation, our whole nation might, as Liberals always have, work to correct our economic diseases and work to care for our best citizens, our least protected heroes.
My oldest friend, my greatest hero will never be the same. The weakness of the Conservative movement is that they will never even acknoweldge that such a thing matters in America. The virtue of the Liberal movement is that we will fight forever for equality and for change.
A petty, corrupt little man, who knows no other life than sitting around with his cronies finding new schemes to bilk money from others, and then enjoying the comfortable life comes from someone elses honest day's work. - Sterling Newberry
Check out It's an awesome resource of international statistics.
Ever see American History X? If you have you'll never forget it. If you haven't, I'd suggest taking an asprin or maybe a valium beforehand. It's not for the weak of heart.
It's the story of two brothers and their experience as one becomes the leader of an urban white-supremecist gang. Here's a speech the older gives his new group of skinheads as they reenact the Berlin "Kristallnacht" of 1933, this time terrorizing a korean-owned local grocer.
(to the group)
We're here tonight cause we got
immigration problems spiralling out of
control. We got Asians up the ass...
taking over our land with their
fucking Yen. Mexicans...flocking into
this place like some giant fucking
Pinata was shattered.
From The Script for American History X by David McKenna
Watching it, you think "People can't really feel this way in America, can they?". Unfortunately, they can, and they do.
Remarkably, I'd never seen the movie American History X. Maybe it's kismet. I'm a big Edward Norton fan, and I was told it's his best role, but somehow I missed it, until last night.
So you won't be surprised that this particular jackbooted scene was at the top of my awarness when I read the front page of the Washington Post today.
Imagine my surprise as Virginia Candidate for Governor, Jerry Kilgore, was quoted with an amazingly similar empassioned plea to his would-be followers as he declaimed Virginia supports for Day Laborers.
"We face a fundamental decision in Virginia," Kilgore told reporters in a conference call. "Will we reward illegal behavior with hard-earned dollars from law-abiding citizens? I say the answer to this question should be an easy one: No."
The night the skinheads bust up the grocer here's what Ed Norton's character, Derek has to say:
We're here tonight to show the
government how we feel about
minorities taking over our country.
The treat us like criminals while they
reward them with jobs and ...
welfare checks. And it's only getting
Jerry Kilgore has veiled his bigotry better before now, speaking of "hard working Virginians" (translation: white) and failing "Richmond" schools (translation: black).
I think it's quite refreshing, honestly to have such an overt forray into racism. When slime is uncovered, the stink is burned off by the rays of the sun.
What I find fearsome is that this man may actually become Governor of Virginia. If he does, it will take us back years financially, and centuries socially. How far back can Virginia afford to go?
Four years of the best leadership and management in the nation, thanks to Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, has brought us forward. Thanks to bipartizan action, under powerful Democratic leadership, Virginia has actually reached the light at the end of the tunnel: Balanced budgets, smart government, healthy families, fully funded education.
That light at the end of the tunnel has eluded our nation as a whole for 6 years of under the backward, divisive, autocratic, immature radical leadership of George W. Bush. Jerry Kilgore is cut from Mr. Bush's backward cloth. He's more akin to national "spend like a drunken sailor" republican than anything like the fiscal conservatives we find in Virginia.
The promise of Tim Kaine's Leadership is unity, strength and inclusiveness. The reality of national GOP irresponsibility is weakness, division, and bigotry.
Nobody in this nation exemplifies the bizarre direction of the National GOP better than Jerry Kilgore.
No Leader in this nation is needed more than Tim Kaine, the next Governor of Commonwealth of Virginia.
Find out how to help Tim Kaine become Governor of Virginia here.
We've been caught up in the big right-wing lie for too long and now is the time to break out.
The culture wars refer to the endless series of wedge issues that the radical right uses to divide and conqure America. Culture war issues include: abortion, gay marriage, and immigration among others.
As long as we continue fighting a culture war with the right we will lose. What need is to rise up above the trees to see the forrest. We need to get out of petty discussions of laws and policies like gay rights and abortion, and talk about the true Vision for America.
From Vision will follow Values,
From Values will follow Issues,
From Issues will follow Policies.
The far right has identified it's vision and is 30 years down the line in executing it.
That vision? Call it "compassionate conservatism. Call it "the new world order". Call it "The religion of 'free' trade. Whichever you choose it is this:
A State of Corporate Socialism that promotes an Aristocracy of American Hegemony Worldwide. This is a vision based on social-darwinism, opposed to science, personal privacy, and individual liberty. With the appointment of John Roberts to the American Supreme Court, it will be the dominant paradigm of the world.
We must wage a relentless war of peaceful resistance, public debate, and Passionate Progressivism against this vision and all that it entails. We must promote an alternative vision for America and the World:
A Democratic world of Fair Market capitalism, that puts smart government in service to the people of the world; where science is used to support the wellbeing of all; where American leadership is the root of our independence and might; where all Americans regardless of wealth invest in the future; and where government's primary responsibility is to protect and develop strong communities, healthy families and the individual pursuit of material, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual freedom."
Don't fight within the frame of "the culture war" anymore.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the war to end all wars. I give you, The Vision War.
{Inspired by about a dozen articles including, this, this, this, this, this, this and most recently, this.}
When we look around today at the unholy alliance between Monopolists, Moralists, and those who are Manipulated, it is time for all of us to reconsider the direction of our Nation and the actions required of Americans of good Conscience. We face the the threefold horrors of Greed, Pride, and Hate. This is the illusion of the American Dream our Republican leaders have brought us.
I ask you this - Is our nation living the American Dream or are we living an American Illusion from which we must awaken? Are we living the true vision of America, or have we settled for much much less?
It is time for us to go back and consider the lessons of great Americans like Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. It is time for us to consider again the words of Thomas Jefferson. It is time for us to reconsider the American dream.
Let us reaffirm the true meaning of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." The pursuit of Happiness does not refer to pleasure or wealth, but in the spirit of Jefferson and the Enlightenment, the Pursuit of Happiness can only be understood as the Pursuit of Virtue. Liberty can only be understood as the freedom to live by individual conscience. Life can only be understood as the freedom for all Americans to go where they wish, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
The American Dream must strive for these freedoms. Americans must protect them.
Let us all awaken from the dreaming illusion of America. Let us awaken from the illusion that material wealth is its own best reward. Let us awaken from the illusion that the conquest of an enemy is greater than the conquest of fear. Let us awaken from the illusion that grasping for power is somehow greater that wisdom or grace.
The time has come for a new American leadership to deepen our dream to the Great Vision of America: that wealth and prosperity are merely useful means, and the end is something greater - something dictated by individual conscience.
When General Washington conquered the vast British Army with nothing but bravery and the promise of freedom, did he let pride conquer the American spirit? Die he, as many suggested, allow himself to be crowned King?
He did not.
Instead he allowed that all Americans should have power over Government. With wisdom and grace he achieved for himself a position higher than any king.
When Lincoln guided his nation through civil war, watching brother slay brother, achieving victory with honor in endless fields of blood, did he seek recompense of disgrace for his former rivals? Did he seek vengence? Did he harbor hate?
He did not.
Instead he roused his countryment with a peace free of malace. In the practice of grace he broke open the great body of hatred. By conquering hatred he ensured that there would no longer be "our dead" or "their dead". All Americans who lived and died henceforth did so as Brothers in a healing nation.
And when Roosevelt faced the evils of greed at home and hatred abroad, when he brought a nation out of depression to face the armies of hate, did he dishonor his vanquised enemies? Did he destroy the lives of those Monopolists who destroyed the nation with their greed?
He did not.
Instead generocity was shared to rebuild former enemies abroad, new economic security was instituted at home. By embodying generocity at home and abroad Roosevelt brought general wealth, security, and prosperity where before poverty reigned.
So, now? Where is the great leader today?
Where is the King would will not be King?
Where is the Conqueror who beholds his brother without Malace?
Where is the Victor who props up his former enemies?
The virtues of Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt live on today. Jefferson's words show us how to embrace their legacy.
Each of us must take up the sword of wisdom.
Each of us must take up the shield of compassion.
Each American must strive to defent not just the surface of the American Illusion, but the Depth of the American Vision.
Each of us much achieve power that we may better share it with others.
Each of us must conquer our hate that none may suffer malace, that all may know grace.
Each of us must cast out greed and achieve true wealth, the better to share prosperty with friend and stranger alike.
The true American vision is within our reach. The wealth and power of our nation are valid only insofar as they protect the true "pursuit of happiness". Our actions, our government must protect the individual freedom to go anywhere, physically, mentally, or spiritually. The true American Vision is an endless, united, free, individual search for Truth. It must be ceaselessly protected, for it can never be finally attained.
Thank you all, and God Bless America.
This speech was inspired Jacob Needleman's Two Dreams of America (caution: pdf)
See his site:
I'll be at the Sorensen Summit on Blogging on August 27 in Charlottesville.
Wall Street Journal Editorial Page Rebuttal
Who, if anyone, will emerge as the moderate challenge to Hillary?
The candidate who seems to be rising like a comet is the governor of Virginia, Mark Warner. One Democratic political strategist, Jim Jordan, who served as John Kerry's political adviser, has gone so far to say: "If [Gov. Warner] gets in, there is a real possibility that he emerges as the primary alternative to Hillary Clinton, and there is a strong argument to be made that he would be the party's strongest conceivable general election candidate."
If all of this sounds a little too good to be true--well, it is. As governor of Virginia, Mr. Warner can best be described as a fairly boilerplate tax-and-spend liberal. Even Democrats in the state agree that his only real "victory" in three-and-a-half years in the state house has been to enact a giant tax increase last year that he plotted to enact over his entire term.
Gov. Warner alleges that the tax hike was necessary to balance the budget and preserve the state's triple-A bond rating. That was mostly a canard. Months before the tax hike was enacted, the state's revenue office reported a massive 7.5% surge in tax receipts from the previous year due to the national economic recovery. This year, with the higher tax rate, tax receipts have exploded by 12% and the state legislature is swimming in a green river. Just as Gov. Warner's opponents had warned, these extra taxes have not been dedicated to balancing the budget, but to spending on every program imaginable--from schools to mass-transit boondoggles, to day-care subsidies.
The Virginia state budget has expanded by 26% over Gov. Warner's tenure, about twice the national average for the states. He received a "D" on the Cato Institute Fiscal Report Card of the Governors. "The claim that Mark Warner is a fiscal conservative," complains Peter Ferrara, president of the Virginia Free Enterprise Fund, "is straight out of an Aesop's Fable."